英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 17:40:34

committee man

委员(会成员); 选区政党头目
  • 英英释义

名词 committeeman:
  • a man who is a member of committee

  • 临近词

  • Committee of Party Organs
  • Committee On Propagation
  • committee On publication
  • Committee on Information
  • Committee for World Peace
  • committee
  • Committee Against Racism
  • Committee on Agriculture
  • committee for privileges
  • Committee on Disarmament
  • committee on credentials
committee man是什么意思 committee man在线翻译 committee man什么意思 committee man的意思 committee man的翻译 committee man的解释 committee man的发音 committee man的同义词